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It was established on 27 Rajab 1364 (Islamic calendar) or on 8 July 1945 as STI (Sekolah Tinggi Islam – Islamic Higher School) by political figures of the day including Dr. Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Nastir, Mohammad Roem, Wahid Hasyim, and Abdul Kahar Muzakir STI developed into a university called Universitas Islam Indonesia on 14 December 1947. Historically, UII is the first national university in Indonesia, and it is the oldest private university in the country.

  • Rector : H.E. FATHUL WAHID
  • ِCity : Yogyakarta
  • Country : Indonesia
  • Web :

منظمة العالم اﻹسلامي للتربية و العلوم و الثقافة
اتحاد جامعات العالم الإسلامي

  • شارع الجيش الملكي، حي الرياض، ص.ب 2275
  • الرمز البريدي 10104 الرباط، المملكة المغربية
  • +212 (0) 537566052/53
  • FUIW