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University Putra Malaysia

University Putra Malaysia (UPM; formerly known as University Pertanian Malaysia or College of Agriculture Malaya or School of Agriculture) is recognized by independent government evaluations as one of the leading research universities in Malaysia offering courses undergraduate and postgraduate studies focusing on agricultural sciences and their related fields. Founded in 1931 as the School of Agriculture, UPM's main campus is in Serdang, Selangor. It was formerly known as the
 University Pertanian Malaysia or the Agricultural University of Malaysia. Now, UPM offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in most fields such as science, engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, business and social sciences. It was ranked 132nd best university in the world in 2021 by Quacquarelli Symonds  and it was ranked 28th among Asian universities and 2nd best university in Malaysia.

 Vice-Chancellor :
H.E. YBhg. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman

منظمة العالم اﻹسلامي للتربية و العلوم و الثقافة
اتحاد جامعات العالم الإسلامي

  • شارع الجيش الملكي، حي الرياض، ص.ب 2275
  • الرمز البريدي 10104 الرباط، المملكة المغربية
  • +212 (0) 537566052/53
  • FUIW