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Islamic University in Uganda

The Islamic University in Uganda was opened in the year 1988 by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) under a bilateral agreement between the Government of Uganda (GOU) and the OIC. In 1990, the Parliament of Uganda enacted a law, The Islamic University in Uganda Act (cap 131, Laws of Uganda), formally establishing the University in Uganda. Currently, it offers 72 programmers in 7 Faculties and has a student population of 8,638 coming from 21 different countries. The University has so far graduated 25,000 students from various disciplines.

  • Rector : H.E. Dr. Ismail Simbwa Gyangenda
  • City : Mbale
  • Country : Uganda
  • Web Site :

منظمة العالم اﻹسلامي للتربية و العلوم و الثقافة
اتحاد جامعات العالم الإسلامي

  • شارع الجيش الملكي، حي الرياض، ص.ب 2275
  • الرمز البريدي 10104 الرباط، المملكة المغربية
  • +212 (0) 537566052/53
  • FUIW